Monday, August 4, 2008

Back in Action

the cold isn't nearly as bad as I thought it was going to be, its just like a worse version of my allergies. I just have a runny nose and sneeze a whole hell of a lot. So today after Richard gets off work we are going to the gym to move it move it. I feel bad for taking so many days off but I just didn't feel good enough to go.

Now for some exciting news, I am wearing a shirt I haven't been able to wear in about a year or so. Yup it fits again and is a little loose too not by much but hey its a start. I'm going to use this shirt as my work out shirt that way all my other shirts I can wear during the week cause I don't have that many to wear. but its freaking awsome nowing that I can wear this one again.I can't wait till it gets even looser on me.

1 comment:

Jane said...

Good job! You'll be buying a new wardrobe before you know it! :)