Friday, March 6, 2020

Period Talk (you've been warned)

When I was about oh probably 16 I went to an OBGYN because my periods were irregular I would go months with out having one then have one and go months again. Mind you I was overweight as a teen, heck I'm still overweight and yes I'm pretty sure that plays a part in it and I'm working on that more later. I also sadly have an issue with some facial hair, I fucking hate it, it annoys me and yes I shave it so I don't have to deal with it. Anyways, it was said that I more than likely had PCOS which I was showing signs of because of the hair and irregular periods and that there were ways of making me regular which was birth control.. I went home and we did try the birth control once and it worked I did in fact have a period that month.  But nothing ever came of it and we just assumed I had PCOS. 

Years go by and I have both gained and lost and gained and lost some more weight, still overweight but suddenly my periods become more regular which also can happen with PCOS, it just means that you can miss and you never know when that will happen. I don't think  anything of it and I'm now married and know that getting pregnant is difficult to do with PCOS. life goes on as normal I skip periods some months and then I will go long stretches of being regular on time every month BAM here I go Aunt Flo is visiting. 

Then this January hit and omg period from HELL, I mean worse one ever!!!! I started on Dec 31st and didn't stop till Jan 17th! and it wasn't light it was heavy as fuck (sorry for the TMI) SO off to my general practitioner she orders an ultrasound and blood work all which come back basically normal and then recommends me to an OBGYN that can help me better. SO I go and she wants to get more blood work done looking at different things and looks at my ultrasound and guess what? We were wrong turns out I don't have PCOS. So now I'm wondering if my abnormal periods are just cause I am overweight. also I'm pre diabetic so I got put on meds to help with that and am trying to lose more weight.

BUT WAIT THERE'S MORE, it turns out that I might have Cushing's Syndrome which is treatable but could help explain the weight problems and hair problems well that and the fact that I have more testosterone then I should being produced. thank you blood work. So they want me to go see an endocrinologist, so I will look into that here in a week or so.  

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