Saturday, February 2, 2013

Cabin Fever Super Bowl Glasses

Not much has been going on here, it's the same thing day in and day out, Richard goes to work I sit in front of the computer all day, he comes home I make dinner we go to bed and repeat. I have kind of hit a slump, I want to be creative but I got nothing. I hate when this happens, I also want to get out and be active but it's still winter so I guess you could say my cabin fever is setting in finally. It happens every year about this time, I want winter to be over with so I can go outside and not be cold. I still got a couple months of winter left though so I go a bit stir crazy.

Tomorrow Richard and I are going up to mom's house to watch the super bowl like we do every year. This year we are doing it a bit different with the snacks though, I am going to stick to mostly carrots and celery with some dip and we also have a bag of chips. Our drinks of choice is water. Both Richard and I have given up soda. We are also watching how much sugar we actually eat, we have cut way back. In fact if I have a drink with a little sugar in it even if it's just a sip of like power aid I get a screaming headache a few hours later. This is a good thing cause we really don't need as much sugar as we were eating, so we are slowly getting healthier.

I am also waiting on my glasses again. I went back to the eye doctor almost 2 weeks ago cause I just couldn't get used to the prescription in them. He took me out of the bifocals saying that it prob wasn't the best idea he had putting me in them and changing my prescription as much as he did, he also backed off on it a bit too saying that this new prescription should work if I give it time to get used to it. So now just gotta wait for them to come in and try them. I swear I have never had such a problem with my glasses as I have had this time. There was one other time I had issues but we only had to change them out once.

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